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The Top 100 Agile Blogs: Retrium Makes the Grade

Published August 31, 2017 by Erika Brooks

We share tips and best practices for retrospectives because we're passionate about helping teams continuously improve. We are always excited to hear about how incorporating these tips has helped you improve your retrospectives. So you can only imagine how excited we were to hear we'd been recognized as #33 on the list of 100 Top Agile Blogs by Luis Goncalves!

"We often hear from Retrium customers and non-customers alike that our blog is a helpful resource for improving their retrospectives," said Retrium CEO David Horowitz. "This validates that these anecdotes aren't just one-off examples of the impact we're having on teams' performance. I look forward to hearing more in the future."

According to Luis, the rankings are based on the site's Alexa ranking at the beginning of July 2017. Specifically, "The list was created based on alexa.com ranking. Alexa ranking is based on the amount of traffic recorded from the users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of 3 months. Traffic is based on the parameters such as reach and page views."

Check out the full list of 100 Top Agile Blogs on Luis Goncalves's site here: https://luis-goncalves.com/top-agile-blogs-2017/

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