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The 30 Second Retrospective

I was introduced to June by my friend, and virtual collaboration expert, Judy Rees. June and I had a wonderful chat on the phone, during which he introduced me to a fascinating new way of looking at retrospectives. Since then, I couldn't wait to share it with all of you. By way of background, June is the founder of the Korean Agile/XP community and the owner of his own agile consultancy.


Informal & Formal Communication: Why Good Retros Balance Both

If you’re writing a professional email to a colleague, you probably wouldn’t start with “Heyyyy” or “What’s up?” You’re more likely to start with “Dear” or “Good morning.”

10 Ways to Improve Virtual Communication and Collaboration

When the content manager for SEO agency SimpleTiger asked to go to Thailand for a month, the answer was pretty simple: as long as you have Internet access.

ROI of Agile Retrospectives: Effective Retrospectives Improve Profits

In the 1990s, the Denver International Airport set out to build the biggest automated baggage handling system in the world.

Interview: Questions For Johanna Rothman

Johanna is known as the “Pragmatic Manager.” Known for her frank advice and humor, Johanna is the author of the Pragmatic Manager newsletter as well as numerous books on agile, estimation, and effective management.  Johanna helps leaders and managers do reasonable things that work.

Interview with Project Manager and Blogger Elizabeth Harrin

Elizabeth Harrin is a career project and program manager. In addition to running the award-winning blog A Girl's Guide to Project Management, Elizabeth is the Director of The Otobos Group (a communications consultancy) and the author of Social Media for Project Managers, Customer-Centric Project Management, and Shortcuts To Success: Project Management in the Real World (now in its second edition). She has been named Computer Weekly's Blogger of the Year and IT Professional Blogger of the Year.


Kane Mar is the co-founder and principle consultant for Scrumology. He has been involved in the Agile community since 2001, initially as a developer and later as a professional Scrum Coach and Trainer. Kane Mar studied and worked with Ken Schweber (co-creator of Scrum) and was one of the first accredited Certified Scrum Master and Certified Scrum Trainer worldwide. Kane Mar is highly regarded as one of the most experienced and leading exponents of Scrum.

how to facilitate an Agile retrospective effectively

Note: This is a guest post from Ben Linders, an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality and Continuous Improvement, based in The Netherlands. He is the author of Getting Value out of Agile RetrospectivesWaardevolle Agile Retrospectives & What Drives Quality. We are thrilled to include his thoughts on our blog!

Interview: Questions for Agile Coach, Mark Kilby

Mark Kilby is an agile mentor and coach who has played many roles on the software and product lifecycle stage. His passions include serving servant leaders and building sustainable organizations that truly bring value to the people served inside and outside the organization.