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Niki Kohari

Recent Posts

Meet the Retrium Team at Agile 2018

This week is the 2018 Agile Conference in San Diego, and we’ll be there to talk about all aspects of retrospectives. Additionally, we have a few exciting announcements to share.

First, for all new and existing customers, Retrium Team Room Edition is now just $29 per active team room, per month. This new price is available starting today, so it’s a great time to try Retrium (if you haven’t yet) or to share Retrium with a friend or colleague.

maintain anonymity, INCREASE COLLABORATION and more during retrospectives

The recent release of Organizations was the most significant change we’ve made to Retrium since we started. Not only did it make it easier for customers to manage access to Retrium and gain more visibility into usage, but it also made it so that we can release features even faster. Win-win!

We’re addressing the top requested customer features with the goal of making meetings in Retrium the most customizable and collaborative retrospective experience possible. We're also working to ensure that we use industry best practices in our app, so you can be certain your Retrium-powered retrospectives are in alignment with the processes suggested by Agile experts.

With all this in mind, we released custom column-based retrospective techniques a few weeks ago, and now we’re releasing more features that address the most pressing needs of all our customers.