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Let Your Voice Be Heard: First Annual Agile Retrospectives report

Published May 10, 2017 by Erika Brooks

Since our first call for input by way of the survey, we've received a lot of feedback on the Annual Agile Retrospectives Report, or AARR as we've started referring to it at Retrium. We've heard from some folks that there are additional topics that we should be covering; others want to see the survey broken into different sections. Regardless, there is one common theme in the response we've received in our feedback - it's about time! 

While the response we've received has already exceeded our expectations, we decided to extend the deadline to this Friday, May 12 to gather as much feedback as possible. Click here to take the survey now. 

So, why did we decide to ask these questions? Just as Retrium addresses the need for a more effective, collaborative retrospective tool, the AARR is designed to address the void that exists around how retrospectives are currently being used by teams. VersionOne's 11th Annual State of Agile Report points to the rising populatiry of retrospectives, but do we fully understand the benefits of retrospectives? Or, even more troublesome, do we have a shared understanding of the risks of *not* having effective, inclusive retrospectives? 

That's why your experiences and opinions are so important. In taking a deep dive into the way you have experienced retrospectives, the outcome of those discussions and the benefits - both direct and indirect - we'll all gain insight into the role retrospectives have on productivity, communication and continuous improvement.

If you haven't taken the survey already, please take 15 minutes out of your day to take the survey. If you haven't heard, we're giving away an Amazon Echo Dot to one lucky participant. (Read the full rules for the giveaway here.)

And, of course, if you're looking for a new and exciting way to improve your retrospectives for better outcomes, be sure to check out Retrium. Your first two retrospectives are on us!


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